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2024 Waka Ama Sprint Nationals Club Awards

🏆Congratulations to Te Pou Herenga Waka Ama and Horouta Waka Hoe; recipients of the 2024 Waka Ama Sprint Nationals Club Awards.

🩵 Ace Cuthers Memorial Club Spirit Award - Te Pou Herenga Waka
Award recognises actions on and off the water, upholding Waka Ama NZ values, and showing great sportsmanship and club spirit.

🏅Club Points Trophy - Horouta Waka Hoe
Award recognises paddling excellence and achievement throughout the week through accumulated points.

👏🏽 A special thank you to Matahi Brightwell for carving a new trophy as part of the Ace Cuthers Memorial Club Spirit Award; paying tribute to stalwarts of Waka Ama including Ace whom the award is named after. This smaller taonga will travel with the recipient of the award and the bigger taonga will go on display at Karāpiro at a later date.