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WANZ Social Media Update - Events

All updates for sanctioned events, including regionals, will be now posted as a story on our Waka Ama NZ Facebook stories. Click here for more information.

Just a quick pānui regarding a Waka Ama NZ social media update for event information.
All updates for sanctioned events, including regionals, will be now posted as a story on our Waka Ama NZ Facebook stories. These updates will be processed as part of your sanctioning process to promote your event and will include entries open, event updates, and relevant posters/flyers. Any additional content will be at the discretion of the WANZ Event Manager.

These will still be linked back to our website to the relevant event page which will be the hub of information for your event. Updates will also appear on our WANZ website stories (linked to your event) as per usual.

This update is informed by our social media analytics, target audience engagement, functionality of our facebook, and improving the utilisation of our website.

An additional reminder, please send all event sanctioning requests, event updates and newsletters, entry information and pātai etc. to [email protected]

​Lastly, Waka Ama NZ only has two official accounts on facebook and instagram:
Waka Ama NZ (facebook), Waka Ama Team (facebook)
​Waka Ama NZ (instagram), Waka Ama Team (instagram)
If you see any additional pages, profiles, or events - they are spam, please do not engage.