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AROCA 10k Series Race 8

AROCA 10k Series Race 8

Depleted fields as a result of paddlers off to Hilo did not prevent some close racing in the 8th event of the AROCA series, hosted by Orakei off Okahu Bay.

After racing in rough sea conditions and heavy rain, there was only a couple of seconds separating the first two men’s crews, Taniwha Grizzlies just pipping Pupuke Moana Young Guns.

Taniwha MIB had a day of incidents, one resulting in a “man overboard”, allowing Waitakere Gringos through to second place in the masters – their best effort of the season.

Lianne Reaburn from Waitakere won the women’s W1 in her new canoe and Jean Tetohu, also Waitakere, used the same canoe to take out the men’s W1. Jean sprinted in just ahead of his clubmate Martin Helleur, who paddled well in a rudderless canoe.

With only two races to go in the series almost all categories are still being hotly contested for the first place points. Updated points totals are attached. Please note that these contain some corrections from previous points totals.

The next event is being hosted by the Taniwha Club at Narrowneck Beach in Devonport, on 21 August.
