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Portage Crossing Regatta


Okahu Bay, Auckland


Sat 11th Feb 2012




Portage Crossing Outrigging Canoe Club Inc.

Contact Details

Name: Portage Crossing


On behalf of Portage Crossing we wish to invite our waka whanau, aiga, family, to the 20th year anniversary 1992-2012 and the 11th Portage Crossing Regatta and Family Festival.

At the family festival a stage will show case local talent, cultural groups, bands, singers etc and there will be children’s rides, food and clothes stalls arts and craft etc.

All paddlers and their support crews will be welcomed on to the waterfront road reserve where the festival is taking place by local Kaumatua and culture group.

Once powhiri completed a prize giving will take place followed by lunch for all paddlers, and the festival will recommence.

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