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Waka Ama New Zealand Child Protection Policy

Waka Ama New Zealand Child Protection Policy

Over the last six months Waka Ama New Zealand has been working on our Child Protection Policy which our Board has approved and adopted.

With over half our participants being Tamariki and Rangatahi, we are very conscious of ensuring that we protect them and ensure that their waka ama experience is first and foremost a safe one.

Waka Ama New Zealand is committed to the prevention of abuse and to the wellbeing of children, young people, vulnerable adults and their families.

Waka Ama New Zealand recognise the responsibility to provide and promote a safe environment that protects children from harm and exploitation while participating in Waka Ama.  Such an environment should cater for their physical and emotional wellbeing and aim to ensure that all children and young people are treated with dignity and respect. We will help to ensure the safety and protection of all children involved in Waka Ama New Zealand activities through adherence to this policy. Waka Ama New Zealand will promote this policy and awareness and understanding of child protection.

Our Child Protection Policy can be viewed here 

We have also created a Child Protection Policy Template (View here) for Clubs who do not yet have their own policy. It is a requirement that every club or organisation who connect with youth, have a policy that is in accordance with the Vulnerable Children's Act 2014

Over the coming months, Waka Ama New Zealand will work to provide clubs with access to resources, information and guidance to assist with upskilling and building knowledge in this space. We are also happy to provide clubs with guidance in adopting and implementing thier own Child Protection Policies. 

Should you have any questions at all please do not hesitate to contact me.

Ngā mihi

