TEST SITE - www.wakaama.co.nz

Waka Ama NZ Members Prize Draw

The Waka Ama NZ Members Prize Draw is a monthly prize draw for all affiliated members. The prizes each month are kindly donated by various suppliers. The following information provides further details.

How do I enter the draw?
All you need to do is to be an affiliated member of a Waka Ama Club that is affiliated to Nga Kaihoe o Aotearoa (Waka Ama New Zealand ) Inc.

How do you know if you are affiliated?
You can enter your ID card number into our affiliation checker and it will tell you if you are currently affiliated.
If you are not affiliated or you do not know your ID card number, please check with your club rep, they will be able to tell you your ID card number or affiliate you.
Affiliation Checker

So who can win prizes?
Anyone who has an ID card number that is a current affiliated member.

How do you find out more about affiliation?
You can click here to find out about affiliation and what it means:
Affiliation Information

If I win, how do I collect my prize?
Waka Ama NZ will be in contact with your club to dispatch your prize.

May Prize Draw

The prize for our May Members Prize Draw is donated by Blackhawk Gazebo and Display.  This months prize draw includes,

A Double side, printed large flag. Large flag pole and Carry bag, and a Lawn Spike!

The winner is TUIHI TAHANA-WILSON from Adventure Wairoa.  Congratulations Tuihi.

Equipment Suppliers

For more information on equipment suppliers see our suppliers page.

The suppliers listed are in no way affiliated or endorsed by Waka Ama NZ, this list is solely for your information.

If you would like to add you business to the suppliers list please email your details to [email protected]

Equipment Suppliers

2024 Prize Winners and Sponsors


Tuihi Tahana-Wilson - Adventure Wairoa
Marino Mahu - Turangawaewae Waka Sports
Reice McKinnon - Raahui Pookeka Waka Sports
Wiremu Heem - Waitakere Outrigger Canoe Club
Roimata Darlington - Tirohanga Waka Ama

Prize Sponsor: Blackhawk Gazebo
Prize Sponsor: Waka Ama NZ
Prize Sponsor: Toki Apparel
Prize Sponsor: Moana Nui 
Prize Sponsor: Nutrakawa

2023 Prize Winners and Sponsors


Grace Porter - Te Ringa Miti Tai Heke Whanganui Waka Ama                              Donald Wright - Te Awa a Kewa Waka Ama Trust                                                Taimana Popata - Omatai Waka Ama Club                                                              Louise Edwards - Nga Kaihoe o Te Puaha Inc                                                            Mark Sutherland - Hoe Aroha Whānau o Mauao                                                             Analatu Wolfgram-McKay - Parihaka Waka Ama Inc                                             Alanah Brown - Maunaku Outrigger Canoe Club                                                     Mabli Jones - Tai Tonga 41 Outrigger Canoe Club         

Prize Sponsor: DayTwo
Prize Sponsor: Kayak HQ
Prize Sponsor: Kapinua
Prize Sponsor: Voyager Trailers
Prize Sponsor: Paddle Sport NZ
Prize Sponsor: ARE Tahiti
Prize Sponsor: Mauao Adventures
Prize Sponsor: Noxen